
The Education, Training, and Heritage (ETH) Sector Table is chaired by Professor Mohammed Al Uzri, IBBC Health and Education Advisor, aims to:

IBBC has long-established relationships with key UK and Iraqi Ministers, the Iraqi Cultural Attache and UK and Iraqi universities. It fosters links to support Iraqi scholarship programmes, curricula development, research partnerships and academic co-operation, and in 2024 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) to strengthen higher education links between Iraq and the UK with Iraq’s Higher Committee for Education Development (Prime Minister’s Office). To see PR, press here.

and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (see PR here).

Recognising Education is key to Iraq’s development, UK universities pay a discounted membership fee.

IBBC also facilitates vocational and professional training through IBBC members operating in Iraq to encourage recruitment and development of Iraqi personnel to improve Iraq’s economy and reduce unemployment.

IBBC supports exhibitions on Iraq’s music, arts and historical legacy, and fosters links between members to protect and develop Iraq’s rich cultural heritage to benefit the Iraqi people and economy.

The Sector Table has dedicated sessions at BBC’s Spring Conference in London, Members’ Retreat in Windsor and Autumn Conference in Dubai. It also arranges events to support collaboration between Iraq and the UK in education, training and heritage which are open to all IBBC members. The ETH Table also participates in major third-party events in the UK and Iraq.

Education Activities:

Cumberland Lodge, Members-only Retreats

Every Retreat features an education session with guests from the UK and Iraqi governments, the British Council, academia and business.

In 2018, the Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHESR) attended and signed a Letter of Intent to expand and deepen higher education links between Iraq and the UK. See PR here.

International Conferences on Education and Teaching (ICET)

IBBC has partnered Stirling Education in these events since 2021 and continues to be a regular speaker and contributor. See PR here.

Conference of Iraqi Alumni of UK Universities, Baghdad, 2021

IBBC attended the conference on 2 December to support the alumni, many from IBBC university members. See PR here.

Bridging Business and Education, Basrah, October 2022

IBBC convened leading businessmen and academics in an initiative to develop Iraqi skills and industry. See PR here.

“Education is the foundation for rebuilding Iraq”, Dubai, 2022

IBBC and GEMS convened GOI and KRI representatives, UK universities and educational organisations to discuss education’s contribution to Iraq’s future.

British International University (BIU), Erbil

In May 2022, H.E. Mr Aram Mohammed Qadir, KRG MoHESR, visited the University of London to discuss opening the BIU in Erbil to deliver UoL programmes. IBBC has consistently supported BIU, a CISQ and GEMS initiative, to maintain BIU’s high profile in the UK and KRG governments and attended ground-breaking for the university in 2022.

Baroness Nicholson, IBBC President, Lord Boateng, Chancellor of UoL and Iraqi, KRG and UK government representatives attended the launch of BIU in London and Erbil in March 2023, and the official opening by Mr. Masrour Barzani, KRG Prime Minister, in September 2024. See PR here.

IBBC Conference – A Sustainable Future for Iraq, Dubai, 2023

IBBC and GEMS co-hosted the first Education and Training Day during IBBC’s 2023 Autumn Conference. This addressed modernising Iraq’s education, vocational training and academic-business partnerships to align with Iraq’s economic needs; and announced Iraq’s new scholarship programme and educational advisory board.

IBBC Member University of Dundee visits Baghdad & Erbil, 2023

IBBC organised and escorted University of Dundee representatives on an official visit to meet ministers, government officials and academics. See PR here.

UK House of Lords, London, 2024

IBBC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expand and deepen higher education links between Iraq and the UK with Iraq’s Higher Committee for Education Development (Prime Minister’s Office) in April (see PR here) , and with the Iraqi MoHESR in May (see PR here).

IBBC sings an MOU with Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS) 2024

IBBC has signed an MOU for cooperation with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS), in the House of Lords on April 2024

The MOU will provide framework for IBBC to facilitate collaboration between its members and IRCS especially in education to enable the development of skills and training for the most marginalised people and their teachers in Iraq. See PR here.

IBBC Autumn Conference 2024 – Growing Opportunities: Dubai

Attendees heard how the amended Higher Education Law will support technology and scientific incubators, and the Bologna Process will improve education quality. They learnt of the GOI’s increased support for private universities and 5,000 post-graduate scholarships to enhance academic excellence and meet labour needs, and that the KRG is establishing 86 international schools, investing $1.16 bn in 76 education projects, and partnering with BIU and other global institutions. It was highlighted that 73% of students follow the British curriculum.

GEMS and IBBC also hosted a reception to honour the Iraqi Government delegation to the World Education Forum at University of London in May.

London, UK, January 2025

IBBC hosted a reception for the Iraqi Prime Minister’s delegation, including the Education officials, during an official visit to UK, IBBC members University of Liverpool, Newcastle University, and Queen Mary University of London, signed MoUs with Iraq’s Prime Minister to support Iraq’s initiative to provide 5,000 scholarships to Iraqi students. See PR here.

Heritage Activities:

IBBC has consistently supported Iraqi music and arts, and the Ysidi ladies’ choir and Iraqi musicians regularly perform at IBBC and AMAR events.

In 2008 AMAR a published a photographic record of the Marsh Arabs’ fast-dying lifestyle. This lasting testimonial, which is still available, inspired IBBC’s engagement in preserving Iraq’s Heritage.

IBBC recognises Iraq’s world class heritage and its potential to generate income, increase employment and retain traditional skills. International focus on rebuilding areas devastated by ISIS, including Mosul, has reinforced IBBC’s involvement in Heritage activities.

International Symposium on preserving Iraq’s Cultural Heritage, 2022

IBBC participation in this symposium, jointly hosted by Nottingham and Nottingham Trent Universities, established and strengthened relationships with key organisations such as Blue Shield, and the British Museum.

IBBC Spring Conference, June 2023

IBBC hosted an exhibition by Nottingham Trent University and others on Mosul’s restoration which is visited by conference attendees, Iraqi and UK government representatives, and guests from universities and institutions.

A dedicated Heritage Panel attracted a large and diverse audience that heard speakers from the British Museum, Ali Bilweekend, an Iraqi business offering guided tours of Iraq’s heritage sites and Almaseer Insurance, an IBBC Member, offering specialist cover for travel to Iraq.

IBBC Spring Conference, July 2024

Newcastle University’s Gertrude Bell exhibition was visited by attendees, Iraqi and UK government representatives, the Ashmolean Museum, British Museum and leading universities and institutions. Heritage Panellists from Mosul and Newcastle Universities, the Royal College of Agriculture and the British Museum, attracted by large and diverse audience.

Education, Training & Heritage partner organisations

IBBC has established relationships with leading entities in the field of Education Training, and Heritage including: