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19th Nov 2013

Some of the Britain and Iraq’s most senior politicians joined top business leaders from both countries in early November for a London ...

19th Nov 2013

Some of the Britain and Iraq’s most senior politicians joined top business leaders from both countries in early November for a London ...

23rd Jul 2013

Around 40 guests including Iraq’s Foreign Minister attended the IBBC’s Retreat Weekend at Cumberland Lodge at Windsor. In a glor...

17th Jul 2013

The Trade Bank of Iraq has marked its tenth anniversary with a reception and conference in Baghdad. Guest speakers included the Prime Minist...

24th May 2013

IBBC’s Second Conference for SMEs, at UKTI, Victoria Street, London. May 3rd 2013. Executives travelled from all over Britain to atten...

9th May 2013

The IBBC held its third Mansion House conference in London on May 2nd 2013. The agenda was packed with key issues about Iraq and guest speak...

16th Apr 2013

The IBBC is heading towards its fourth anniversary and has completed a remarkable 12 months when it opened two new offices in Iraq: Basrah a...

27th Mar 2013

22nd Mar 2013

An important conference has been held in Basrah, Iraq to look at ways of getting more Iraqi companies involved in the reconstruction process...