Unlocking the MENA’s full economic potential: Gender equality at home and at work

IBBC, AMAR Foundation and AIWF contributed to a special panel discussion on the subject of ‘Unlocking the MENA’s full economic potential’: Gender equality at home and at work, with particular emphasis on the role of women and how they can contribute more to MENA’s potential.

Distinguished and expert guests included:

Hadeel Hasan : CEO and Owner of Hadeel Al Hasan leading Iraqi law firm in Baghdad and Executive Committee member of IBBC

Haifa Al Kaylani: Founder & Chairman of the Arab International Women’s Forum

H.E. Hala Bsaisu Lattouf: Former Minister of Social Development, Jordan

Caroline Fattal: Board Member, Fattal Group, Lebanon

Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne: President of IBBC and Founder and Chair of AMAR Foundation in Iraq.

Key Themes included:

  1. How are Arab women balancing professional careers while also bringing up a family?
  2. What are the challenges and how do people overcome them?
  3. What can we learn from successful business and working women?
  4. How can we achieve change (especially with male attitudes)?
  5. What could gender diversity policy change in the workplace mean for women seeking better career / family balance?
  6. Why is it important to reform gender-neutral parental leave policies and other gender-specific workplace policies towards encouraging wider cultural shifts in the region?
  7. What evidence is there to prove that relieving women of the disproportionate burden of family / children / care responsibilities will have a positive impact on economic performance (based on ILO, World Bank and OECD research)?

Please view the video here