IBBC hosts Iraqi SME conference in Westminster

IBBC hosted the sixth Iraqi SME conference at the Methodist Hall in Westminster. With over 40 companies visiting from Iraq and leaders of the chambers of commerce, the agenda was full and designed to meet their business and trading requirements from the UK.
Baroness Nicholson opened the conference with a speech that focused on ‘a brighter future’ for Iraq, with a revitalised and diversifying Iraqi economy, partnerships with UK companies and Iraq Government reforms and measures to stimulate growth and capability. The Baroness had just returned from opening the new IBBC office in Erbil, with over 300 attendee companies and ministers, and witnessed the expansion and confidence of the local economy. She thanked IBBC employees for arranging this established event and encouraged the Iraqis to seek UK partnerships and capabilities in their various sectors to further grow their economy.
Following up, Colin Findlay of IBBC chaired the days sessions, which included a range of speakers:
Initially the Home Office representative Edrin Gjoni and Ms Sharan Ghuman covered legal immigration and residency in the UK and, given many applicants had not received their visas, very relevant as the number of audience was less than wished to attend.
The British Chambers of Commerce discussed the chambers networks and training provisions, Mr Khalid Mahdi of Accentia Consulting discussed the potential of franchises, while Ms Abby Ghafoor of Arc gave a short masterclass in digital marketing solutions, a topic of great interest to Iraqis.
Finally, IBBC member Mr Jorge Villa of Dolavon, covered financing options for SMEs in Iraq.
Delegates were then free to network, absorb displays and follow up business interests. Colin Findlay closed the conference with the message that ‘the SME audience here is highly distinguished and eager to do business. This was a practical and focused event designed to give the Iraqi delegations a strong understanding of how to do business with UK companies and partners. The closing question from the platform was ‘are you better informed as you leave than when you arrived – to which a resounding yes and thanks was given.’
The SME conference and visits extend throughout the year with trade missions, visits to sector trade shows and a further autumn conference in the UK. For further information and to engage with the SME’s please contact [email protected].