HYDRO-C selected to be DIT export champions in Scotland

Following on from DIT Scotland’s announcement on export champions – more information here.

Hassan Heshmat, CEO of Hydro-C explains how they got selected to be an export champion for Scotland.

Hydro-C was one of 13 businesses across Scotland, UK, to be select for this mission. Since our establishment in March 2013, we adopted the Shell model as a full export trading business to energy companies overseas. Our business revenue is 100% export based and inward investment, the reason for adopting this model is because the UK is a number one trading nation in the world. Which has a direct influence on our business to trade internationally, through a credible economy, with an outstanding banking system, access to prime innovation skills, strong UK partners and reliable business laws with financial facilities which offer the chance to trade freely across growth in many sectors. The only gap was accessing emerging markets and mitigating supply chains and logistics risks at the same time.

How did Hydro-C achieve this? I’m very grateful to our amazing team in the UK HQ and overseas whom worked tirelessly 24/7 to deliver our promise to stakeholders and customers. It was crucial for our business to become part of and work closely with professional, influential business bodies and organisations i.e., IBBC, Scottish Department International, London and Hounslow Chambers of Commerce that enabled our company to go further and have direct access to decision making establishments and information and which help shape government policies to understand the importance of embracing economic growth via international trading and private sector.

Why we’ve been selected: The DIT team was looking for businesses who can prompt export business and develop strong and sustainable trade ties with other nations. A business that established networks and connections at different levels with key partners in each market. Essentially, an established business that understands the risks and can offer value beyond transaction. Exporting is more like building sustainable relationships which bring nations together and bridging many gaps. We source from UK manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers, then offer our partners in the UK the ability to access overseas markets without the need to be located overseas physically. Our business invested in opening branches in the Middle East to be able to access these markets.

What does this mean to Hydro-C: It’s a privilege and responsibility, we are taking this position as a mission to be part of 1Trillion GBP export mission by 2030. A privilege because we were selected amongst thousands of businesses across the country, and a responsibility because we have a target to deliver to promote UK businesses, products, and services. At the same time address the overseas customer requirements within an ever changing and unpredictable global supply chain challenges.

How we will achieve our export target with DIT: Given the Hydro-C business model transitioning towards sustainability and renewables, Hydro-C will be an active player within the DIT team to even exceed the 1T target before 2030. We will be focused on solving global problems in exporting sustainable energy, climate change, water management, agriculture, and renewables solutions. This will be through private sectors so we can help promote, export and develop local economy at destination. Hydro-C will augment attracting inward investments into UK based technologies then export these solutions and technologies to overseas markets. We will expand our strategic partnerships with reliable and credible partners internationally to address our customers’ requirements. We will increase our business collaboration with international bodies and organisations to alleviate global economical, energy and sustainability challenges.

Come with us on the mission!

For more information, please contact Mr Hassan Heshmat at [email protected].