How Iraq is delivering innovation through its leading businesses

Iraq is stable, its economy is expanding and diversifying to meet the needs of the people. IBBC have been asked by the Iraq Prime Minster, Mr Al Sudani, to hold a Baghdad conference on Innovation.

Following a successful visit to the UK by the Prime Minister and several of his top ministers, a significant trade deal was announced with UK and Iraq, estimated at $15bn, across several sectors, to include cutting edge technology and knowledge transfer to Iraq. Some of these companies will be speaking at the Baghdad conference and the conference is dedicated to the theme of delivering innovation.


The purpose of the conference will showcase how Iraq is currently delivering Innovation and what might be possible to do soon, with the help of the Uk and International partners. IBBC has several members already delivering innovative solutions and products in Iraq, which will be showcased at the conference. We will be examining the power of knowledge transfer across all the panels and discussing what Iraq needs to do to deliver this internally, and the benefits of delivering innovation successfully.


In his paper on ease of doing business in Iraq’ Professor Frank Gunter, who is speaking, pointed out that modernising and digitising the financial system, not only will enable swifter transactions, access to and international funds, but also reduce the opportunities for corruption. Both EY and Hogan Lovells will explain their work on modernising the Central bank systems of Iraq and consolidation among banks and banking reforms.


1001 is a leading Anglo- Iraqi streaming company that has already signed up over 2 million subscribers, but it is focused on protecting Intellectual property in Iraq, and this is a new opportunity for Iraqis to produce content, derive income and tax receipts from subscriptions. We expect to be joined by companies discussing 5G technology, and provision of fast internet for the delivery of state-of-the-art communications and explaining the importance of cyber protection for Iraqi assets, communications, and defence.


Maritime innovation is becoming essential to Iraq as the Al Faw port opens opportunities for trade and servicing oil and gas projects in the south. Al Zaman are responding to this challenge with the construction of ship production and maintenance factories in Basra and the knowledge transfer of maritime know how from the UK to a new maritime academy in the region. Unihouse Global as innovative online and skills educators, will be training students on skills and maritime capabilities for the academy.


Innovation in energy is also critical in Iraq, not only to reduce the country’s carbon footprint but also to find ways to generate more diverse sources of electricity from solar and gas to power the growing population and industries. Hydro C– are solar energy providers to the oil industries, while BP , BGC and Shell can explain how they technically capture gas for electricity that previously burned off and use technology to manage oil fields more efficiently. 


Finally, Mr Jon Wilks, IBBC senior advisory and former ambassador to Iraq, will be chairing the day and contributing his insights on geo politics, placing Iraq in the regional context and explaining why technology is important to the diversification of the economy and Iraq’s future development.

IBBC has invited several Government ministers to attend and join the panels.


A reception will be held on 16th February for all delegates to network and meet the significant list of sponsors, including principal Sponsor Al Buttsan, Gold Sponsors BP, Al Zaman, SAP, Hydro-C, Al Maseer insurance; Silver sponsor SABIS, Bronze sponsor Defaf al Khaleej. Conference dinner sponsor Sardar Group, conference reception sponsor – Al Busttan and conference lunch sponsor – Iraqi Red Crescent and conference coffee break sponsor – 1001 Media. A historic tour of Baghdad is scheduled by Bil Weekend tourist company.


The conference sets out some of the innovative work IBBC members are already delivering in Iraq and will offer a template for the future.

To register, please contact us on: [email protected]