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IBBC’s 15th Anniversary Conference: Iraq’s ‘Opportunities and Insights’

This is a big year for Iraq and IBBC as we celebrate our 15th anniversary and Iraq moves into a new prosperous and stable phase. As advocates for the private sector in Iraq, IBBC champions best practice, through our special reports and white papers for reform, and encourages the government of Iraq to modernise its systems and ministries to accommodate International best practice within Iraq.

‘Insights and Opportunities’ reflects the evolution of the Iraq economy and the mechanics and reforms that the country is undertaking, as the largest forum for discussion of Iraq’s challenges and opportunities.

About the Conference:

Opening the conference the President of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Mr Rupert Soames OBE will give a keynote speech from the British industrial perspective, and as a previous member of IBBC is well placed to comment of UK’s business relationship and opportunities with Iraq.

Of note is the presence of key delegates: H.E. Hayan Abdul Ghani Al-Sawad, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Oil, Ministry of Oil, H.E. Dr Mohammed Shukri, Chairman of the Kurdistan Investment Board, Dr Abdulkareem Faisal, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council, KRG ministers and keynote address from Alderman Barr, The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor’ Representative, The Rt Hon Lord Howell of Guildford and Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, IBBC President.

Delegates will hear the latest report from Professor Frank Gunter on Foreign exchange and banking reforms the impact of dollar controls and how this might resolve, and to hear directly from Government minsters on the procurement opportunities across key sectors, such as agriculture, education, finance, transport, and regional development at special roundtables including for KRG and finance.

The Iraqi economy is quietly diversifying, with the evolution of services, travel, tech, and retail sectors, but the dominant energy sector is also evolving, with new players technologies and climate reduction activities. Oil and Gas are still at the centre of this conference and Iraq’s economy, with the Energy Panel, which see the big players in energy policy and practice including Dr Luay Al Khateeb, Centre on Global Energy Policy – Columbia University, Ms Dunia Chalabi, TotalEnergies, Mr Zaid Elyaseri from BP, Mr Andrew Wiper from Basra Gas Company, Mr Hassan Heshmat from Hydro-C and Mr Ellis Renforth from Wood Plc

Yet transport is also set to boom, in both the ports and the dry canal project due to link Basra to Turkey with the Mediterranean, silk road and European markets. The project will have profound impact on cities along the route and for both import and export trade. IBBC member Mr Tugrul Titanoglu, CJ-ICM; and Mr Steve Alexandar, Sardar Group, will inform us of these changes and the evolution of electronic and port management systems already in place (see our ’23 report on ports here).

Dr Fareed Yasseen, Iraq’s Climate Envoy will discuss the impact of climate change and ways of using agritech to mitigate it with Mr Richard Cotton of AHG, Mr Mohammed Shamal of Silal and Mrs Sara Akbar of Oilserv.

Further sessions are dedicated to education and heritage under the chairmanship of Professor Mohammed Al Uzri, IBBC’s Health and Education Advisor, and a special exhibition about Gertrude Bell curated by Newcastle University will be on display in the Old Ballroom.

An online Techforum chaired by IBBC’s Ashley Goodall with the participation of Google and Microsoft will be held on 1st of July. You can register for the Techforum here.

While these insights ensure everyone is better informed, there is always a significant networking and coming together of businesses and old friends and acquaintances. A reception the night before will celebrate not only IBBC’s 15 years, but also offer informal networking among delegates, speakers and founder members in the Mansion House and the chance to forge new friendships.

Iraq now enjoys a stable and focused government intent of reconnecting with the region, fiscal surpluses that are converting into new infrastructure projects, and a growing more prosperous population, keen for modernisation and the benefits of a consumer economy.

We are certain there will be big demand for tickets, so please register soon to avoid missing out. Join with us and share the insights and opportunities that a modern and stable Iraq now offers.

Key Speakers:

Register Now Here

Stay Tuned for Updates:

We are excited to announce our lineup of esteemed speakers for the IBBC Spring Conference 2024. Stay tuned for updates as we unveil new speakers who will contribute to enriching discussions and shaping the future of Iraq-UK business relations.


Don’t miss this unparalleled opportunity to participate in the IBBC Spring Conference 2024. Register now to secure your spot and be part of this transformative event.

Register Now Here

Date & Venue:

Date: 2nd July 2024

Venue: Mansion House, City of London

IBBC Spring Conference Draft Agenda, press here


Exclusive Pre-Conference Reception Sponsor:

Travel Partner:

Sponsorship opportunities are still available. For further details and general inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]


For a taste of last year’s conference – please review here.

To see other conference material, press here